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Fish in
the classroom
is supported by

  • The Central Bank of Iceland 

  • Ministry of food, agriculture and fisheries

  • HS Orku Community Council

  • Landsbankinn/National bank Community Fund 

  • Art and culture fund of Mosfellsbær

Fish in the classroom:
Shark meets salmon

The non-profit organization Icelandic Aquatic Animals Aquatic Creatures of Iceland coordinates school visits under the initiative "Fish in the Classroom." These visits are designed to raise awareness among elementary school students about the significance of sharks and salmon in ecological and cultural contexts. These visits aim to create an engaging atmosphere that sparks lively discussions, allowing students to explore their attitudes toward marine and freshwater ecosystems. The Fish in the Classroom project fosters a strong connection between future generations and their local rivers, lakes, and seas.

Dalrún Kaldakvísl, chairman of the board, received a grant for the visiting project from a cultural fund linked to the name of Jóhannes Nordal, the former governor of the Central Bank of Iceland. 

Snorri's Edda

Lax ok langa

lýsa, brosma,

birtingr, hæingr,

bust ok hrygna,

humarr, hrognkelsi,

hveðnir, flóki,

ölunn, aurriði

ok andvari.

Síld, seiðr, skata,

síl, reyðr ok öggr, 

skreiðungr ok síkr, 

skálgi, flyðra,

fyldingr, styrja

ok fuðryskill, 

hámerr, steinbítr

og háskerðingr.

Hámeri_porbeagle shark_Lamna nasus_edited.jpg

Fjörsungr, þrömmungr

ok fengrani,

hamarr, sandhverfa

ok horngæla,

marknútr, glömmungr

ok marþvara,

sílungr, skelfiskr,

sverðfiskr ok lýr.

Hafrhvalr, geirhvalr

ok hafgufa,

hnísa, hafstrambr

ok hnýðingar,

reyðr, reyðarkálfr,

búrungr, rostungr

ok blæjuhvalr.

Þyrsklingr, ufsi,

þorskr, vartari,

grunnungr, gedda,

gjölnir, keila,

áll ok karfi,

krabbi, geirsíl,

hár ok goðlax,

hornsíl, igull.

Norðhvalr, kýrhvalr,

náhvalr ok leiftr,

skeljungr, fiskreki

ok skútuhvalr,

sléttibaka, skjaldhvalr

ok sandlægja,

hrosshvalr, andhvalr,

hrafnreyðr ok vögn.

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